INVITED SPEAKER at MITRANS: AHP for Supply Chain Management


Seminar Room, Level 1, PTAR 1 Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia

Workshop material as follows:

INVITED SPEAKER at UKP4: Workshop on System Modeling for Policy Development

An Inventory Model in Humanitarian Logistic: A Preliminary Study

Rika Ampuh Hadiguna
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Andalas University, Limau Manis, Padang, 25163 Sumatera Barat

The main problem in disaster relief logistics, among others unpredictability of demand in terms of timing and location, suddenly-occurring demand in very large amounts and short lead times for a wide variety of supplies, high stakes associated with adequate and timely delivery, lack of resources such as supply, people, technology, transportation capacity, and budget. The role of decision support systems are needed to help decision maker’s better plan in humanitarian logistics operations. The aim of research is develop an inventory model in humanitarian logistics namely create a computer model as decision support system. The model proposed here aims to coordinate the transportation of commodities from major supply centres to distribution centres in affected areas. The goal is to minimize delay in providing prioritized commodity. System dynamics methodology was developed to assist with complex decision making in humanitarian logistics. Specifically, it was developed to study systems characterized by multiple feedback loops, uncertainty, and time lags. This paper has been introduced the usage of system dynamic methodology that has expanded to include social and environmental issues. As such, it is therefore an appropriate methodology to capture the complexity of these systems.

Keywords: humanitarian logistics, inventory, system dynamics, decision support system

International Research Grant - Malaysia Institute of Transport


Dr. Harlina Suzana Jaafar
Assc. Prof. Sabariah Mohammad
Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna

In recent years, supply chain problems can be formulated how to meet demand under social, environmental and economic issues consideration. The main purpose of model development intended to support the decision maker for solving the supply chain problem using sustainable perspective. Decision maker always undertake to express their knowledge about probabilities and weights in precise numerical form may result in misleading assessment and biases. The problems are associated with the use of non numeric group decision making for sustainable supply chain problems is, amongst others: (i) what kind of critical attributes that are used in multi criteria decision making for sustainable supply chain management of malaysia industry; (ii) how to compute the critical attributes value based on multi person jugdment with non numeric type in group decision making.

Thereby, this study embarks on the following objectives are (i) investigate critical attributes that are used in multi criteria decision making for sustainable supply chain management; (ii) design a decision support system based on mathematical model for group based non numeric multi criteria decision making that involve critical attributes in sustainable supply chain management problems.

This research will be conducted in several stages as follows: firstly, observing the real system through industry visits and interviews to build the conceptual model. Secondly, identifying and formulating the attributes of sustainability in supply chain system through in deep interview and expert opinion questionnaire. Thirdly, formulating the mathematical model and building the computation procedure for solving mathematical formulation. Fourthly, designing decision support system, and finally, performing simulation and analysis to verify the software as a new tool for decision maker.

At the end of the computer simulation, it is expected that we will discover a new knowledge about the critical attributes of the sustainable supply chain management. Non numeric group decision making developed will be a new assessment approach to solve the problem of determining the priority of the critical attributes based on the opinion of many decision maker.

International Research Grant (AIIRHID) - Deakin University & Andalas University

Assessment Model for Location Evacuation Feasibility in Post Disaster Logistics Considering Local Culture Attributes

Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna
Prof. Dr. Richard Reed
Ir. Insannul Kamil, M.Eng, IPM

Rationale and Objectives of the research project
After disaster occurred, many infrastructures are either damaged or destroyed. In Indonesia, many mosques are still in good condition in order to accommodate the evacuees. Mosque is public property as manifestation of local cultural that has strategic function and role in social life in Indonesia. Mosque is a facility for worship as well as meeting to formulate various problems solving. Mosque has sufficient facilities to become hub. Generally, mosque has area more 600 m2, well organized, good sanitary and located in densely populated. This means that mosque can be used as inventory facilities and evacuation location of disaster.
The objective of research project is developing assessment model of mosque feasibility as hub in post disaster logistics system. Output of research is a decision support system that needed to help decision makers in disaster logistics operations. Research project will be conducted in Kota Padang. The benefit of model is help decision maker to coordinate the relief logistics from local distribution centre to evacuation locations in disaster affected areas. Model is being formulated with emphasis on local distribution.

Research Method
Research procedure will be performed by applying various concepts and methods with detail as follows:
1.    A need analysis will be conducted on the basis of in-depth interviews with experts, senior officers in regional disaster agency in Kota Padang, and NGO’s. The need analysis will determine the difference between the actual state and a desired future state of a system with procedure as follows:
-   Survey mosques in Kota Padang
-   Identify stakeholders and requirement.
-   Formulate objectives.
-   Design questionnaire
2.    Determining property valuation with the following steps:
-   Distribute questinnaire to respondends.
-   Determine attributes relating objectives
-   Verify attributes using face validity
3.    Design computer model using web based approach by means:
-   Create algorithm and computer coding
-   Verify model using guestimate data
4.    Generalize the findings in the following:
-   Sensitivity analysis relating to policy alternatives.
-   Finding the critical attributes based on the simulation results.
5.    Concluding and generalization the findings as a new knowledge.

Hibah Penelitian - DIKTI Kemendikbud


Masrul Indrayana, MT
Dr. Ambar Rukmini
Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah sistem manajemen risiko rantai pasok sayuran segar di Wilayah Propinsi D.I Yogyakarta dan sekitranya sehingga mampu meningkatkan daya saing dengan tetap memperhatikan kesejahteraan para petani. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model rantai pasok sayuran segar pada tingkat strategis dengan pemilihan produk unggulan dan struktur rantai pasok yang mengakomodir berbagai kepentingan para pelaku dalam sistem. Kedua, mengembangkan model penunjang keputusan produksi dan distribusi rantai pasok sayuran segar dalam bentuk perangkat lunak sistem penunjang keputusan tepat guna.

Model rantai pasok sayuran segar sangat dibutuhkan khususnya oleh pemerintah dalam membangun sebuah sistem rantai pasok pangan yang efisien dan efektif dengan memperhatikan kesejahteraan petani. Rantai pasok sayuran adalah salah satu masalah yang masih baru dan sangat menarik perhatian para peneliti pada saat ini untuk dipelajari dan dikembangkan berbagai modelnya untuk menunjang pengambilan kebijakan. Salah satu faktor yang perlu diteliti dalam sistem rantai pasok sayuran segar adalah struktur rantai pasok yang memberikan manfaat nilai tambah bagi para petani agar kesejahteraannya meningkat.

Rangkaian kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan. Pertama, merumuskan karakteristik kualitas sayuran segar berdasarkan preferensi konsumen menggunakan metoda quality functin deplyomentI (QFD). Pada tahapan ini akan diperoleh atribut kualitas sayuran mulai dari panen, pemrosesan (processing), pengemasan dan penjualan. Kedua, memilih produk sayuran unggulan yang berpotensi untuk didorong menjadi komoditas ekspor dan rekayasa sistem rantai pasoknya. Tahapan ini menggunakan metoda analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Ketiga, membangun strategi rantai pasok komoditas sayuran segar unggulan menggunakan metoda SWOT. Tahapan ini bertujuan mendapatkan rumusan strategi untuk menjamin keberlanjutan dan penetrasi pasar baik lokal, regional dan ekspor. Keempat, pengembangan model produksi dan distribusi sayuran segar dengan studi kasus pada swalayan berdasarkan struktur rantai pasok yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu. Tahapan ini akan mengembangkan model matematik. Model yang dihasilkan akan diwujudkan dalam bentuk perangkat lunak sistem penunjang keputusan. Dan kelima, verifikasi dan validasi model dilakukan untuk mendapatkan model yang sesuai secara konseptual dan diterima oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.

Hibah Penelitian Fakultas Teknik UNAND


Dr. Rika Ampuh Hadiguna
Ardhian Agung Yulianto, MT
Agus Wibowo, ST
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah:
1.   Bagaimana pengaruh perilaku sistem logistik makanan dalam penanggulangan bencana alam gempa dan tsunami di Kota Padang.
2.   Parameter apa yang mempengaruhi kebijakan strategi dalam sistem logistik makanan dalam penanggulangan bencana alam gempa dan tsunami di Kota Padang.

Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah:
1.   Merancang model simulasi sistem dinamis logistik bantuan dalam penanggulangan bencana alam gempa dan tsunami di Kota Padang.
2.   Menganalisis parameter-parameter yang memberi pengaruh pada sistem logistik bantuan bencana saat terjadi bencana alam gempa dan tsunami di Kota Padang.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sistem dalam membangun model dan menganalisis parameter-parameter logistik bantuan bencana dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :
1.   Konseptualisasi model
2.   Identifikasi kepentingan setiap stakeholder
3.   Formulasi model dan algoritma simulasi
4.   Simulasi
5.   Verifikasi
6.   Validasi
7.   Analisis berbasis simulasi